I truly love hearing from my readers, and I really wish I could respond to every one of your emails in my inbox. Between work and family obligations, I am unable to keep up with all of the correspondence. Please know that I do read all of my emails; if you don’t hear back, it’s simply because there aren’t enough hours in the day.
If you have a specific question about a recipe, please comment on the recipe itself rather than emailing. To email about something unrelated to a recipe question, click here. I appreciate your messages more than I can say, they energize me and connect me to all of you!
For business or media inquiries, please email my team.
To call and leave a message, here is our voice mail number. Note that this number is for business-related inquiries only; cooking questions should be left as a comment on the site. Cooking question voicemails will not be answered. Thank you for understanding!
Voice Mail: (800) 407-1568