Raise your hand if you sit at a desk all day? 🙋🏼‍♀️

As creative female entrepreneurs whose businesses are almost entirely (if not exclusively) online, it’s likely that we spend THOUSANDS of hours sitting at a desk in front of a computer each year.

Don’t believe me?

Let’s do the math together…

40-60 hours a week x 52 weeks a year = that’s 2,080-3,120 hours

(See? I told you.)

Small, healthy changes can and will better your female entrepreneur lifestyle if you practice them consistently for a long period of time. Over on The Productivity Zone, I suggest 5 healthy things you can do when you sit at a desk all day (and not one of them involves kale)!!


If you ask me, those are some pretty scary numbers.

But since they’re not likely to change or lessen anytime soon, we (as in you and me) have to infuse all those hours we spend sitting at a desk with healthy things… tasks… habits… to change our lifestyles for the better!!

(Don’t worry, the things I’m suggesting in this post aren’t hard. They don’t involve buying anything expensive. They don’t take much time. And not one of them involves kale.)

Nope. What I’m suggesting in this post are healthy things you can do when you sit at a desk all day that are super quick and easy!!

You ready?

Related Post: How to Set Up and Love Your Workspace

[bctt tweet=”Some quick and easy ways (that don’t involve kale) to maintain a healthy #femaleentrepreneurlifestyle when you sit at a desk all day!!” username=”productivityzne”]


It’s beyond important to stay hydrated (not just caffeinated) when you sit at a desk all day.

Did you know that dehydration can often be disguised as feeling tired or sluggish? It’s true, and that can lead to a serious drop in productivity. But it can be hard to remember to drink when you’re sitting immobile (not active) for most of the day.

(I’m hugely guilty of forgetting to drink throughout the day—even when there’s a glass or bottle of water sitting right next to me. 🤦🏼‍♀️)

To combat this, I’m trying to get in the habit of filling my S’well bottle up with ice water first thing in the morning and draining it by lunchtime; then filling it up again after lunch to drain by the end of my workday. I’m also trying to stop and sip between each task that I complete (i.e. after each email I send, after each paragraph of a blog post I write, etc.) I’ve also set reminders using the Reminders App on my phone—because yes, I really am that bad. #nojudgementzone


I’m not talking about pee breaks that take you away from your desk for all of 2 minutes, I’m talking about REAL BONAFIDE BREAKS of 20 minutes or more.

I know you’re probably thinking you don’t have time to take breaks. But the truth of the matter is taking breaks helps improve your focus and productivity. So, really, you don’t have time to NOT take breaks.

I like to schedule my day using time blocks (4 time blocks of 2 hours each if you’re curious about the specifics) where I work uninterrupted for 90-100 minutes and then take 20-30 minutes for some kind of break. It could be to take a walk, to have lunch away from my computer, to browse social media, or to take a quick power nap.

I love scheduling my day this way because it means I’m making time for all the important work stuff and healthy lifestyle stuff (which is equally important). AND BONUS: It means I’m not sitting at my desk all day!! 🎉

Related Post: Why I Love Time Blocking (And You Should, Too!)

It’s time to better your female entrepreneur lifestyle!! Here are 5 healthy things to do when you sit at a desk all day that you can start implementing right away on The Productivity Zone!!


Even with breaks, we’re still spending an inordinate amount of time sitting at a desk in front of a computer screen. And if you’re anything like me, you probably notice an increased amount of headaches, eye tiredness, and eye strain because of it.

To combat this, I’ve started using blue light reflecting glasses. I’d been looking for a pair since the beginning of the year, but was having trouble finding frames that weren’t humongous. (I’m petite from head to toe. Humongous things don’t work for petite, y’all!!) When J+S Vision reached out with an opportunity to give their blue light reflecting glasses a try, I jumped at it!!

I’ve been wearing them on and off for the past couple of weeks—to test their effectiveness from one day wearing them to the next day not wearing them—and I totally notice a difference. A BIG ONE. My eyes aren’t as red or tired-feeling by the end of the day, tension headaches are significantly less, and the recurring twitch in my left eye is almost completely gone!!

I think I have a new favorite office accessory, y’all!! 🤓

Blue light blocking glasses can help those of us who sit at a desk all day with tension headaches, eye tiredness, and eye strain. Get a pair from J+S Vision today!! (I LOVE mine!!)

This post is not sponsored. J+S Vision did send me a pair of glasses in exchange for my honest testimonial, and friends, this is it: they’re changing my office life!! Know that I will only ever share about brands and products I personally use and love most and think you will, too!!


I’m about to sound like your mother… but when you sit at a desk all day, it’s important that you watch. your. posture!!

Neck and back pain occurs when you sit in a bad position for long periods of time. (I can’t be the only one grimacing guiltily right now…) Making sure you have a) a really good, adjustable, comfortable chair to sit in and b) that you’re sitting in it properly is muy importante.

You should also position your monitor so that the top of the screen is level with your eyes (this makes it easier for you to sit straight). Your chair should be at a height where you can sit with your shoulders pulled back and relaxed, so you’re sitting up tall, and so that your forearms are parallel to the ground. You shouldn’t be reaching for the keyboard or leaning toward your computer.

Take a minute right now to make these necessary adjustments. I promise they will make a world of difference!! In fact, I dropped my chair a couple of inches the other day and couldn’t believe how much better my neck felt at the end of the day!! 🤯

[bctt tweet=”Small, healthy changes can and will better your #femaleentrepreneurlifestyle if you practice them consistently for a long period of time!!” username=”productivityzne”]


Last but not least, when you sit at a desk all day, it’s important that you don’t stay there for very long. Get up and move!!

Sitting in a chair in front of a computer for 8-10 hours a day, 5-7 days a week can take a definite toll on your body. To combat this, get up, walk, stretch, roll your neck and shoulders. Take a few laps around the house, run up and down the stairs, bend down and touch your toes. Stand up to answer emails or write a blog post and do some squats while you type. (Maybe even consider investing in a standing desk if you find that you like this!!)

It may sound silly, but getting up from your desk to move and stretch can eliminate stress and offers many other health benefits. Plus, it gives your eyes a break from the screen and your brain a break from all the wood-burning!! 😉

P.S. I set Reminders on my phone that simply say MOVE!! #easypeasydoneandeasy

Related Post: How to Make Your Workday Fun & Productive

Just because you sit at a desk all day, doesn’t mean you can’t implement some healthy lifestyle changes throughout your workday. Small changes (like the ones I suggested in this post) can and will better your female entrepreneur lifestyle if you practice them consistently for a long period of time!!

So what are you waiting for??

Start today!! Start now!!

Small, healthy changes can and will better your female entrepreneur lifestyle if you practice them consistently for a long period of time. Over on The Productivity Zone, I suggest 5 healthy things you can do when you sit at a desk all day (and not one of them involves kale)!!








