Are you worried, nervous, or downright terrified of launching digital products because you don’t know what tech, tools, templates, or education you should use?

I don’t blame you. I was, too!! 😬

After wading through all of those six-figure success stories on Instagram, you’re left with posts about how STRESSFUL launching is, all of the TECH ISSUES (read: BREAKDOWNS) that can happen during a launch, and a VERY LONG list of tools you’ll have to learn how to connect and use on your own (and pray work together come launch day).

Talk about overwhelming and stressful.

I didn’t want the Asana Assistant launch to be like that… and it wasn’t.

But I don’t think I focused on that fact enough in my last post (What I Did and Didn’t Do for My Most Successful Digital Product Launch to Date).

Because the Asana Assistant launch was also my SIMPLEST and LEAST STRESSFUL product launch so far!! And I attribute that completely to the tech, tools, templates, and education I used (and will continue to use when launching digital products in the future)!!

(This post may contain affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase using these links.)


I used my own Product Pipeline and Product Planner templates in Asana. The Product Pipeline template is where I map out ALL of my digital products in an organized timeline. It’s also where I store EVERYTHING from important links, product details and branding, brainstorming, launch emails, welcome email, nurture sequence, and testimonials. I can also keep track of updates and things I want to add to ANY of my digital products at a later date as well as ideas for my sales pages, emails, social media posts, and blog posts.

I then used the Product Planner template to outline Asana Assistant in detail (from the welcome module to next steps and every lesson and module in between). Then I listed out and scheduled ALL of the tasks I had to do to get it ready for launching (including creating the templates, filming the tutorials, writing the introductions, and then uploading everything to Kartra). I used to do this all on paper, but it’s so much easier to keep track of it all in Asana!!

I used Loom to film all of my template tutorials. It’s a brilliant screen and recording software that allows you to film just you, just your screen, or both at the same time. The free version only allows you to film 5 minute videos, and since I can be kinda long-winded (HA!!), I decided to purchase the business plan, which is only $8/month or $96/year. I can now film unlimited videos with unlimited length—which is a good thing because not only do I like to provide tutorials for my courses and digital products, I also sometimes film quick (and not so quick 😜) videos for clients and students when they have questions.

(Side Note: I don’t use any fancy camera, lighting, or sound equipment when I film. The camera on my iMac works just fine IF I was filming myself, which I rarely do. And I actually LOVE using my AirPod Pros to film because they block out noise around me and the sound quality is great!! I also usually try and get my tutorials filmed in one take, but when that’s not possible, I string together the clips in iMovie. Super, super simple and basic. That’s the way, uh huh, I like it!!)

I then used to get transcriptions of my video tutorials because it’s important to me that my courses and digital products be accessible. Loom recently added transcriptions and closed captions, but neither are editable or exportable yet. Until they are, I use It’s pretty accurate, except for the fact that it often thinks me saying “Asana” is me saying “a sauna” which makes me giggle snort every time.

I would be remiss if I didn’t stop here to talk about (read: wax poetic about) Megan Martin’s Revenue Ripple course and challenge experience!! Revenue Ripple is Megan’s 30-day system for creating passive income streams with digital products. While this course is technically geared toward entrepreneurs looking to create and launch their FIRST digital product, I still found it INSANELY valuable as I began work on my fourth. Megan’s approach to creating, naming, launching, and scaling digital products was unlike anything I’ve ever learned before. From her offer stack formula to her naming and pricing strategies to her One Day Sales Page copy formula to her S.M.A.R.T. Sales Funnel, I learned A TON and implemented EVERYTHING I learned in the Asana Assistant launch. I am positive Revenue Ripple was the reason I was so confident heading into this launch AND the reason it was so successful!!


Once Asana Assistant was ready to launch, it was time to turn my attention to the sales page. I had already written all of the copy for the sales page because Megan Martin actually recommends you do that BEFORE you start work on your product… but the design is a whole different story!!

I purchased the Maya Sales Page Template from Launch in Style and got to work!! I LOVE Launch in Style’s Sales Page Templates (I used Addison for Fresh Start Systems and Harper for Running on Routines). They’re beautifully built and SO EASY to customize on WordPress because they’re built on the Elementor plugin.

(My entire website is actually built on the Elementor plugin, so I’m very familiar. Elementor is a drag and drop page builder for WordPress that doesn’t require you to have any knowledge of code whatsoever. I started with the free version, but upgraded to the paid version earlier this year so I could upload custom fonts and get access to additional widgets like an evergreen timer and animated headlines. I’ll honestly never use another page builder for as long as I have a website, which I expect will be a long, long time. That’s how much I love using Elementor!!)


But back to the Launch in Style Sales Page TemplatesThe REAL reason I love these templates so much is because Amanda equips you with EVERYTHING you need to create a sales page that converts!! Each template comes with super helpful prompts so you can insert your copy effortlessly, all of the image assets in editable Canva templates, step-by-step instructions and support, and mobile-ready templates that look just as good on-the-go as they do on the big screen. (You can also get matching social media graphics when you checkout!! 😍)

I also have to take a minute to tell you about her Sales Page in A Day course. It’s only $37 but worth A WHOLE LOT MORE than that!! Before Megan Martin’s Revenue Ripple, I was struggling with sales pages in a BIG (like HUGE) way. I stumbled upon Amanda Genther/Launch in Style/Sales Page in a Day on Instagram at the beginning of this year and decided to jump in and do it ALL because my courses/products weren’t converting like I thought they should. I re-did the Fresh Start Systems sales page using the Addison Sales Page Template and the Sales Page in a Day course and had 3 sales within 24 hours of it going live!! I redid Running on Routines immediately after that (using the Harper Sales Page Template) and had 2 sales within 12 hours of it going live!! It’s safe to say, these templates DELIVER on their promise of conversion!!

At Louise Henry’s recommendation, I added a live chat widget called Chatra to my sales pages a few months ago. Being able to chat with a prospective student right when they have a question about my course or product has been a game-changer!! I’m convinced I’ve gotten more sales (before, during, and after a launch) because of this added layer of customer service.

The final key piece of tech for launching digital products for me is Kartra!! What I ever did before Kartra, I don’t know. (Actually, I do know. I used Teachable, and then Thinkific, and hated every minute of my time with both of those platforms before finally making the switch.)

Kartra is an all-in-one marketing platform where you can sell products or services with secure checkout pages, deliver content, courses, or other training materials, create opt-in, sales, and learning pages, send marketing emails, create super simple to super intense funnels, organize your leads with lists and tags, create opt-in forms with powerful tagging and automation capabilities, offer support for your products or services through built-in Helpdesks, create surveys and quizzes, store videos, and create affiliate programs for your courses, services, or digital products. When they say all-in-one, they MEAN all-in-one!!

I used to stress over 10 different pieces of tech working together, constantly worrying if things were still connected and firing when they were supposed to. But now I don’t have to stress or worry because EVERYTHING is under the same roof!! I also LOVE how beautiful and user-friendly the course/membership areas are. I have purchased A LOT of courses over the years and Kartra is by far my favorite platform from a student perspective as well.

I was actually introduced to Kartra when I bought Louise Henry’s Uplevel with Asana course . I loved the student experience SO MUCH that when she announced she was coming out with a course all about Kartra, I jumped at it!! I was extremely nervous about switching course platforms AGAIN (I’d already gone from Teachable to Thinkific by then), but Louise’s Scale with Kartra course made the process SO EASY!! I would not be nearly as efficient in Kartra without Louise or Scale with Kartra. She literally breaks down every last little thing you can do in Kartra step-by-step so you don’t miss a thing and get it right on the first try!! Scale with Kartra was one of THE BEST investments I’ve EVER made for my business!!

I used a bunch of different social media templates from Styled Stock Society and Pixistock to market and sell Asana Assistant!! I used to create ALL of my graphics from scratch, which took HOURS, but not anymore. Both Styled Stock Society and Pixistock have HUGE Canva template libraries with everything you need as far as graphics are concerned. They both started off as styled stock photography memberships, but have since grown to include Canva template libraries. I love having access to both because I always find exactly what I need (stock photos or Canva templates), precisely when I need it. Having access to both is not necessary (in fact, it’s a luxury), but I honestly couldn’t tell you which one I like more because I love (and use) them both pretty equally!!

And finally, I used my own Marketing Map template in Asana to plan out all of my pre-launch and launch content for Asana Assistant. I scheduled and outlined blog posts (plus followed my detailed blogging workflow, which comes with the Marketing Map template as a special bonus), planned and scheduled all of my emails, and mapped out all of my Instagram Feed Posts, Instagram Stories, and Instagram Reels. I loved being able to see how ALL of my pre-launch and launch content worked together; and scheduling everything in Asana so I could see it all in My Tasks was a game changer because I didn’t forget a single thing!!

I hope this peek behind-the-screen of what I use to create and launch digital products was helpful for you (or at least insightful). If you have any questions about any of the tech, tools, templates, or education I mentioned here, let me know in the comments and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!! I’m always curious about what other femtrepreneurs are using in their business. If you’ve got something to wax poetic about, have at it in the comments!! I can’t wait to read all about the tech, tools, templates, and education that have helped you!!


Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post could be affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through my link at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products and services I personally use, love, and feel make a difference in my business and could do the same for you.